Je cherche un hébergement

( Reference: 015297 )

Je cherche un hébergement
Manita C.

registered since October 1, 2024

Manita  C.

Paris - France

Starting from December 21, 2024 for 3 months

Pets welcome

contribution to costs: 300€

You will be able to contact Manita C. after you have logged into your account

Type of housing : House

Living arrangements: Living together

Shared space: Private room

2 maximum traveller

1111 rooms

111 beds available

Service(s) requested

Residence monitoring and maintenance, External maintenance, Housekeeping

Amenities provided

Private kitchen
Private bathroom
Public transportation

About the housing

Je cherche un hébergement pour moi et ma fille 17 ans S.V.P. ma fille et moi nous sommes calme, gentille et respectueuse .

Rules of use and behavior

j'accepte pas les fumeurs.